Dresden Park Renovation

A multi-million-dollar renovation will soon be underway at Dresden Park in the City of Chamblee. The park will be closed for at least 14 months while crews revitalize the 24-acre park with artificially turfed-rectangular fields and a multi-use field, tennis courts, dog park, a large playground, walking trail, new concessions building, restrooms, a community center, pavilion, parking lot, lighting, and terraced seating. The city has contracted Integrated Construction and Nobility, Inc. for construction. City officials are encouraging parkgoers to visit other Chamblee parks during this time to fulfill their outdoor dose of fresh air, exercise, and family picnics.

“Construction is expected to take 14 months, during which time contracted programming typically held at Dresden will be moved to Keswick Park and other privately owned field locations”, said Parks, Recreation and Arts Director, Jodie Gilfillan. “We understand this isn’t ideal but believe once the park re-opens citizens will be elated with the changes.”

In February 2022, Chamblee City council approved the use of $10.8 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to complete renovations at Dresden Park. The council approved another $2 million to be allocated in 2024, to be used for the larger community building in the park, bringing the total cost for renovations to roughly $12.8 million.

City of Chamblee Launches New Report-A-Concern App

The City of Chamblee has partnered with GovPilot, a provider of cloud-based government management software, to deploy a new Report-a-Concern mobile application.

Launching of the GovAlert application, enables residents to report non-emergency concerns such as potholes, code enforcement violations, missed sanitation pickups and more through an app on their mobile devices. The app is available to residents on Android and iOS devices and will replace the city’s previous reporting app, MyChamblee. Requests entered into the app are routed directly to the relevant city services department, so the matter can be resolved quickly. Reporting is also available via a digital form on the city’s website.

“I encourage resident to download the GovAlert app and help us improve Chamblee by reporting issues that they come across so we can address them quickly,” said Mayor Brian Mock. “A digital government and a convenient constituent experience are essential to cost effective municipal services.”

In addition to the Report-a-Concern application, city officials have launched several digital services that aim to make operations more efficient for staff and services more convenient for residents. GovPilot is being used for business registrations, contract management, special event permits, right-of-way permits, homestead exemption applications, building maintenance work orders, vehicle maintenance records, and more.

To download the app, visit https://www.govpilot.com/govalert.

Board of Education Approves Capital Projects & Initial E-SPLOST VI Projects List

Big news for our area! At a special called board meeting on February 1, the DeKalb County Board of Education voted unanimously to approve the Capital Projects and Initial Education Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (E-SPLOST) VI Projects List. Items on this list specify the renovation or rebuilding of several schools in area, including the construction of a new Dresden Elementary School, a new Sequoyah Middle School, and a new Sequoyah High School. For a complete list of projects, please click here.

Progress on new City Hall

The city of Chamblee issued $17 million in Revenue Bonds through the Urban Redevelopment Agency in March 2021 to fund the design and construction of a new 27,000 square foot city hall facility, inclusive of office space, city council chambers, and a community room, as well as an outdoor plaza, according to a press release.

The city partnered with Goodwyn, Mills & Cawood, Inc. for the design and Reeves Young as Construction Manager at Risk. The project broke ground on March 31 with a scheduled completion date of July 2022.

The project includes the demolition of the former Chamblee Civic Center and Chamblee Police Department. The site of the former Chamblee Police Department will now be the site of the new city hall, and the former Civic Center will be converted into a surface parking lot adjacent to the new building.

Artist rendering

Artist rendering

Bike Path Study

Peachtree Creek Greenway is delighted to announce the Dekalb County Board of Commissioner's unanimous approval of the North Fork Peachtree Creek Comprehensive Concept Plan. The PATH Foundation will create a Concept Plan to verify the feasibility of the multi-jurisdictional Peachtree Creek Greenway from Clairmont Road near Century Center in Chamblee north under I-85, through Spaghetti Junction (I-285 and I-85) and past the Silverbacks Stadium.

The PATH Foundation will include identifying spur connections to surrounding neighborhoods, parks, commercial areas, and existing/future trails. This section of the Peachtree Creek Greenway is approximately 6.5 miles long and will be added to the 3-mile section underway in Brookhaven.

Thank you, DeKalb County Commissioners! Thank you to all who wrote letters of support to elected officials and have contributed to making PCG in Dekalb County possible. Stay tuned for more details!

#PCGDekalb #PeachtreeCreekGreenway #PeachtreeCreek #AtlantaGreenSpaces #PCGExpansion

PATH Foundation

It's In DeKalb

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