Bike Path Study

Peachtree Creek Greenway is delighted to announce the Dekalb County Board of Commissioner's unanimous approval of the North Fork Peachtree Creek Comprehensive Concept Plan. The PATH Foundation will create a Concept Plan to verify the feasibility of the multi-jurisdictional Peachtree Creek Greenway from Clairmont Road near Century Center in Chamblee north under I-85, through Spaghetti Junction (I-285 and I-85) and past the Silverbacks Stadium.

The PATH Foundation will include identifying spur connections to surrounding neighborhoods, parks, commercial areas, and existing/future trails. This section of the Peachtree Creek Greenway is approximately 6.5 miles long and will be added to the 3-mile section underway in Brookhaven.

Thank you, DeKalb County Commissioners! Thank you to all who wrote letters of support to elected officials and have contributed to making PCG in Dekalb County possible. Stay tuned for more details!

#PCGDekalb #PeachtreeCreekGreenway #PeachtreeCreek #AtlantaGreenSpaces #PCGExpansion

PATH Foundation

It's In DeKalb

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